I really am trying to get used to writing in a blog again, but it still feels really weird. I don't know that anyone will be interested in what's going on in my daily life...But I'm going to try.
My summer is honestly incredibly boring this year. It's mostly work on the weekends, summer reading, Extended Essay, rereading random books, and mindlessly watching old TV shows on Netflix/YouTube. Seriously. And I go to bed ridiculously early because I have NOTHING to do. The ROFLCOPTOUR concert at the end of June was the most exciting event of my summer so far. I thoroughly enjoy work because it means I get to talk to people and go out to dinner afterwards (on Sundays) and actually laugh and smile.
On Sunday I got off early so I walked around with my friend Scott who I literally have not seen since August 2009, and it was just so nice. I felt a little awkward at first, but then I realized I have no reason to feel awkward around him, because he knows me and cares about me. I laughed a lot and smiled a lot, which believe me, is something incredibly different for me lately. He also bought me this lovely Licorice Spice tea even though I didn't ask him to. And gave me a massage. :D I really honestly do enjoy talking to people and hanging out with people most of the time, but I can never make myself do it anymore and I don't know why. But Sunday was good for that, since we shared a lot of stories at Chili's too.
ANYWAY. I feel like that paragraph was incredibly boring. Sheesh, I need to just MAKE my life more interesting.
Slightly more interesting/strange story:
Today the power randomly went out in our house/neighborhood. TWICE. The first time was for somewhere between 30-45 minutes and the second was only for about a minute or so. I was just sitting in my room reading, and all of the sudden my lights go off. Okay, it must just be the light bulb. (I forgot I'd turned on both lights and that it was incredibly unlikely that BOTH light bulbs would die at the same time.) Nope. Because I then noticed that my computer was on battery power and my satellite thing on my TV wasn't turned on and neither was the air conditioning. It was just WEIRD. The only way it really affected me was that I couldn't microwave lunch, so had to revert to a sandwich (ugh). And, annoyingly, it came back on JUST as I was finishing lunch, so if I'd waited another 15 minutes, I could've had the lunch I wanted in the first place. But, whatever. We have power again, I can see, and I'm fortunate enough to have so many things that need power to work--including our fridge and microwave...
Right. Now for my weird metaphor. I was just thinking that people have power outages too. Sometimes we just lose power completely, for no reason, but we can pick ourselves back up again, turn the power on, and do our best to find our that reason and try to work through it. I've been in a power outage for months now, and I just haven't had the courage or strength to work through it. By now, I know the reason. And maybe, just maybe, one day I'll wake up and find what I need to work through it. And the power will come back on, and I can truly get back to living my life. (Wishful thinking?)
I'm sorry. That probably makes no sense to anyone but me and perhaps a few of my closest friends. But this is a journal, and I'm trying to be honest with myself. For once. Hopefully, someday soon I'll have something happy to write about that won't bore people so much. (Bastille Day Party on Sunday?!)
Right. Well, I have 54 pages left in our summer reading, but I've decided to just leave that for tomorrow. For now, I'm going to go catch up on YouTube subscriptions, because I always let them sit for too long.
Days left of summer: 33
Inspirational quote/photo of the day:

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