10 August 2011

Back to School: Kat's Shopping Guide

Okay, I'm already in a better mood today. But perhaps that is because it is only 2:00, I haven't had to see my stepmom yet today, and it's not super hot outside. Not that I hate hot weather or anything, but my room gets really freaking hot whenever it's hot outside because, again, we don't freaking have air conditioning!!!! *sigh* But anyway, it's like 72 degrees out right now and rather cloudy, so I'm sitting here in my room with the window open, happy that for once my room doesn't feel like a furnace during the day.*

I also finally found the place on HPU's website where they say what you can and cannot bring to the dorm. Under appliances, it says you can bring a "microwave, fridge, coffee maker, rice cooker." I thought the rice cooker one was rather amusing, but then my dad reminded me a lot of people come to Hawaii from Japan and they probably eat a LOT of rice. But now I totally want to bring a rice cooker to college, because I'm allowed to. They also specify that you are allowed to bring an electric razor and an electric toothbrush, as though any college would really tell you to go buy a new toothbrush...

My sister's boyfriend also came today, staying until Monday. And I am so darn awkward around guys. Like seriously. It will be a miracle if I ever get a boyfriend. I mean, I have a fair amount of guys who I'm friends with, but that's after knowing them for years and years. Goodness only knows how I'll act around guys at college.*sigh*

I'm not really sure what to write about today. Let me go scour the internet for ideas...

*comes back*

Ah, I don't really have anything still. And it has now been 3 hours since I started this blog. Let me try to finish it in a timely fashion. I've been spending too much time reading the news now, and none of them really gave me ideas for a blog. I love reading the news, and a lot of it makes my heart hurt, but that's not really what I want to write about today. Not when I've been so depressing the past 2 days...

There was this funny article on Yahoo about the things you don't need to buy your kid this school year, no matter how much they think they need them. Top on the list was pens and pencils. And I generally agree with this, especially the pens one. My dad is constantly stealing pens from whatever functions we go to, so we have plenty. Actually, here, that's something I can blog about. I will make my own comments on each of the things on their list.

2. A new Wardrobe.

I mean, okay, seriously, who in this economy actually throws out their kids' old clothes and buys them an entire new wardrobe for school? Maybe if your kid suddenly grew a foot over the summer or something, but otherwise, no. I think it's far more prudent to buy maybe a couple jeans or something if your kid did grow over the summer, and then buy items as needed during the school year. All I bought for college was a couple new pairs of shorts because I really didn't have enough and I'm going to be living in Hawaii. So yes. Really think about what your kid needs for school/college. Don't buy into the stupid Sears ad on TV.

3. A Pencil Case

There was a point in my school years where I needed a pencil case. And it lasted a few years, it was good, yay. But once the zipper broke, I came to realize I didn't really need a new one. My backpack had pockets in it to place pens and pencils, so I just used that.

4. A Pencil Sharpener

Yeah. Probably don't need one. First, because very few kids these days use wood pencils. And if they do, every single classroom at least has one of those wall crank sharpeners, and most have an electric one.

5. Book Covers

Well....I think this is a personal preference. While it probably is cheaper to use the paper bags, if you have no skill, then by all means buy the stretchy ones rather than ruining your kid's book. I had stretchy ones that lasted me 5 years.

6. A Lunch Box

Okay, if your kid doesn't HAVE one, please do buy one. Seriously. So much better than using paper bags every day. But you probably don't need a new one every year.

7. An Alarm Clock

Yahoos logic here seems to be that all cell phones have alarms. And this is true. But if you have noticed in the past that that does not seem to wake up your kid, buy them one they have to walk across the room to turn off. Better yet, get them Clocky, the alarm clock on wheels, who runs away from your kid as they sleepily try to push snooze. They will be awake after running around the house!!! They will!!!

Or just send them off to college with a dog.

8. A Dorm TV

*sigh* Very few college kids are actually going to need a TV. There's always going to be a common TV somewhere on campus, and if they really have a show they like watching, they can find it on Hulu, or of course on some illegal TV site (people aren't supposed to admit this, but most people use these sites at least once).

9. New College Textbooks

Rent them. Buy them used. Search around the internet. DO NOT BUY THE NEW COPY. It's not worth the money.

10. A Dorm Printer

Well...I kind of think every dorm should have a printer, because let's face it, most college kids procrastinate. And they are not going to have time to go to the library/computer lab before class. They just aren't. But I do agree that before anyone buys any big appliance (fridge, microwave, vacuum, whatever) they should talk to their roommate(s) so people don't end up with 3 printers and no fridge.**

So. Now. Kat's list of things you probably do need for college.

1. Sheets/Comforter. Very few colleges come with these.

2. A computer. I know that this might be too expensive for some people, but it's much better to have your own laptop to work on rather than working in the library all the time. Never know when they close.

3. A shower caddy. This is a funny name and probably sounds weird, but at least this way your roommates won't be quite so liekly to steal your shampoo.

4. Books. Duh.

5. Laundry stuff.

Okay, and there's probably other things. Paper/pens/desk stuff, a bag, whatever. But those are the things I think are important.

Well that was fun. My advisor e-mailed me back, and we're talking on Friday to finalize things. So that's happy. :D

And I am now going to go eat dinner and then play mini-golf.


Word of the Day: jabberwocky--meaningless speech or writing

Inspirational quote/photo of the day:

Days until I leave for college: 16.21

*Probably an over-exaggeration, but whatever. My room gets too warm. Yeah.

**Or whatever. You get my point. ASK first.

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