First, let me say how incredibly strange it is to not be at work today. It's 1:42 right now, and we'd be toward the end of the lunch rush. It'd probably be at least another hour to 90 minutes until I would have lunch. But instead I've sat at home, watched shark week, done some research, and read some Harry Potter. And already ate lunch. Seriously. This is so WEIRD. It doesn't even feel like a weekend....
Also, I am rather enjoying the smell of my hair.* I don't know what shampoo/conditioner my hairdresser uses, but it smells AMAZING. And I think I've decided that I like the bangs. =]
Anyway. I don't know if anyone who's reading my blog now read it during BEDA last year, but Saturdays are my "confessions" days, and Sundays are my top ten lists. So we're returning to Confessions of a Nerd Girl. Enjoy!
1. I deeply respect the English language.
Seriously. I mean, I'm a complete grammar freak, which I think I stated last April. If someone says they did good on a test, I respond, "No, you did WELL." Spelling mistakes really annoy me, which meant that this past year I was constantly telling my math teacher that he needed to learn how to spell. Seriously, I think once you misspell acceleration enough times, you'll end up at the correct spelling, but apparently not. *sigh* I'm also incredibly picky about apostrophes--I swear 80% of the population still doesn't know the difference between it's and its.** Including a couple of my English teachers. Plus, at least on YouTube, NO ONE knows that you are should be you're and not YOUR. Aaaaaaargh!!!! I feel like we never even teach basic English grammar anymore, and that annoys me so much. I know there are a lot of rules, but if WE can't even speak English properly, who are we to expect people from other countries to?
Also, I pretty much never use shortened speech when I'm texting or typing. How hard is it to type an "e" next to that "B" and have it be an actual word? I mean, I don't even use rofl or lol very often. Especially when we're on computers, it's NOT that much harder to type out the full word or sentence. "How r u?" becomes "How are you?" with less than an extra second of typing. Yeah. Pretty much the only time I use shortened speech is when I'm taking notes, and that's because 1)It actually does take double the amount of time to write out full words when you're handwriting something and 2)Teachers go through notes so fast that you'd miss about 70% of their lecture if you tried to write out exactly everything they're saying or have on that powerpoint. So, there ARE times when it makes sense to shorten words (between becomes btw., etc), because it actually does save valuable time. But texting or IMing? No. We are perfectly capable of using the English language. And if we start teaching the younger generation to speak and talk and write like that, we are really going to lose the beauty of the English language.
So. Write out full words. Use apostrophes correctly. Capitalize when needed. KNOW the difference between it's and its. Use commas when and where they are needed. Take the time to spell things correctly, especially if you're on a computer that has spell check. RESPECT the English language, before we lose its beauty.***
2. I have a slight obsession with looking things up on Wikipedia.
Have you ever played the Wikipedia game? Well, basically you need two people, and two pages on Wikipedia that seem to be unconnected to each other. Then, only by clicking on links on the pages, you see who can get from the first page to the last page fastest. For example, going from Coffee to teddy bears or something. It's a really fun game, especially when you don't want to do research in school...
See, but the thing is that I do that on my own. I have an obsession with looking things up, generally to discover the history of something or quick information on random health issues. Then I see another link that looks interesting and click on it, and then the same thing happens on that page, and then the next page, and the next, and the cycle continues. Last Wikipedia search: Lucy Woodward
It's a good way to...well, it's a good way to waste time, really. And learn things. I never use Wikipedia for school research because it's incredibly frowned upon, but in general the information on there is well researched and true. The only danger is when you realize you've wasted an hour clicking through random links...But it's fun!
3. I'm not exactly...up with the times.
With this, I mean pop culture. Because I'm very much up with what's going on in the world, news wise. I make a point to read the news. But I could really care less about TV shows or celebrities or trends. I honestly had no idea who Snooki was until Hank mentioned meeting her in his video. I've only watched one episode of Glee, and I really didn't enjoy it. I don't think I've ever opened a People, Us Weekly, etc. I've never heard a song by Ke$ha, unless it was on the radio and I just didn't notice. I don't listen to the music most people do or watch the TV shows most people do. I haven't watched American Idol since Season 2. I've never seen an episode of Jon & Kate Plus 8. I'm trying to think of other things people watch, but I'm having a hard time because I don't watch them and could really care less....
I mean, I watch Doctor Who, and that's popular among my friends, but not exactly society in general and definitely not people my age. The only "popular" show I watch is 30 Rock, and I only watch that on Hulu. Most of the TV shows I watch and music I listen to are a little older, like from the 90s or early millennium. I watch a lot of shows on Hulu and Netflix, but rarely watch TV. Included among the artists I listen to most on iTunes are Sarah McLachlan, Vanessa Carlton, Michelle Branch, and the Goo Goo Dolls.
Basically, I rarely understand when someone is talking about a celebrity and their issues, because I don't pay attention and rarely care. But I do know an unusual amount of 90s trivia.****
Okay, so it's now 4:35. I don't know why it took me so long to write this. I guess Shark Week was distracting me. :D Plus I went for a walk, and was searching for a shark fact. It's nice having a weekend, I guess, although it mostly just doesn't FEEL like a weekend because I'm not working. I'm just doing the activities I do during the week in the summer, so it's hard to differentiate.
I feel like I should go research more, since what's on right now for Shark Week I've already watched. And since I actually have time to research on the weekend for once. Might as well make use of the time. =]
Tomorrow, you will once again get the wonderful gift of "Kat's Top Ten Reasons to..." do something. Suspense!*****
Daily Shark Week picture:
Daily Shark Week fact: Sharks have been swimming in the ocean for over 400 million years, which means they not only predate humans, but dinosaurs as well!
Days left of summer: 9
Inspirational quote/photo of the day: "In the book of life, the answers aren't in the back." ~Charlie Brown
*That is something I never thought I would say. Wow that sounds weird...
**In case you were wondering, you don't use the apostrophe for the possessive it, like "its bone," because the contraction needs it (it is). It's a little confusing, since it's an exception, but not really that hard to remember...
***Ha! That is one of the cases where you don't use the apostrophe, because I'm not saying "it is beauty." Its, as in possessive. Yeah.
****As evidenced by 90s Trivial Pursuit. I ROCK at that game, even though I was still a kid during the 90s.
*****Actually not that suspenseful, but I can pretend. I'm sure you're not itching with anticipation to know what I'll be offering my wisdom on.
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