So. It's Friday. It's sad that I'm already excited about Fridays, and I've only been in school for 4 days. I know I'll become infinite times more excited about Fridays as the year goes by: relaxation, sleep, and time to do homework. And yep, that is what I have planned for this weekend. Ah, homework...
I didn't really have such a great day today. Not exactly a new thing for me, but I was so stressed out about school and the change in the routine and other things that I don't want to talk about that it was so much worse. One of those bad days where everything just keeps piling on, and eventually you collapse and snap at someone. Unfortunately, for me today, I snapped at someone who really had nothing to do with why I was having a bad day. Rather, she was just there at my worst point. Now, of course, I feel awful about "taking it out on her" so to speak, but we talked, and I think, I hope everything's worked out. *sigh*
I do very much feel like SCHOOL HAS STARTED. I have an English test on Tuesday. 3 separate things to do for Chemistry. A long term French project. And today I spoke with my Extended Essay mentor. Yep. Hi, school. It's nice (?) to be back. That last one was actually really good, because I really like my mentor, and we talked about more than the extended essay. Plus, right now at least I'm not too worried about that part of senior year, since I have all the research and now just need the writing process.
Okay, slightly more coherent topic: Plays. In English today we were going over what makes something a Tragedy, and discussing the great Greek/Shakespearean tragedies we've had to read over the years. I found the discussion absolutely fascinating, to be honest. English may be a lot of work, but I really like the way the teacher structures the class, actually.
But anyway, I absolutely adore going to plays. I know few teenagers see plays other than school plays, but my family makes a point of going to the local college's plays, as well as a few in Denver when we can. There's something so different about really seeing and experiencing the action, not like in a movie where you're completely separated from the action and the characters. I also feel that the tragic effect is so much stronger when you see a play rather than see a movie, just because you're RIGHT there, in the action. Personally, I find I often understand a lot more when I can hear or see the ironies, and really be a part of the action. Especially with Shakespeare or Greek plays.* Because, really, these plays were not meant to be read in a stuffy classroom by students just hoping to get a good grade. They were written to be acted, seen, experienced.
Okay, and I also just like the whole experience of getting dressed up and going to the theater, because that's something so few people do today, unless they go to see some big Broadway musical. But maybe that's just another one of my quirks.
Hmm...I know I'm being incredibly boring today, but after my bad day, I don't have much I want to talk about. So I'm going to go search for some jokes to make this a bit more interesting.
Huh. Well here's something interesting: In Pueblo, CO it's illegal to let a dandelion grow within city limits. I'm guessing basically every household, including the mayor's, breaks that law...
Ah,and here's a fun comic that always makes me laugh. :D

Right. Well. I promise I will be more interesting tomorrow, when I make some more confessions!
Inspirational quote/photo of the day: "You cannot protect yourself from sadness without protecting yourself from happiness." ~Jonathan Safran Foer
*Just as a note, I've been fortunate enough to see: Oedipus Rex, Richard III, Macbeth, Hamlet, A Midsummer Night's Dream, As You Like It, and King Lear.
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