I don't feel like having a huge introduction to my blog today. I'll include my discussion of the day after the confessions. So, without further adieu, Confessions of a Nerd Girl Part VI:
1. I'm a little bit of a hippie.
I wasn't sure quite what to title this confession, but that's the basic gist of it. I'm a hippie in the whole save the earth kind of way. First, I'm a vegetarian and have been for 5 and a half years now. It was a moral choice at the time, when I was just discovering how animals were treated in most cases before they were killed. I still stand by that, but I've continued for a few other reasons. One, I don't really NEED to kill animals to get all my nutrients--I get the proteins and vitamins and fats from other healthier sources and can take vitamins to replace other things. Two, a vegetarian diet is so much better for our planet. The process of making just one burger emits more carbon dioxide than the cars in the US in a year. I don't preach vegetarianism, as everyone is perfectly able and free to make their own choices, but I also don't appreciate it when people tell me I'm wrong for being vegetarian.
I also recycle just about everything (paper, cardboard, cans, plastics, packaging, food containers, glass, etc) and make a point of using the energy saving light bulbs. I turn off lights/my laptop/other plugged in things when I'm not using them. I walk where I can, rather than wasting the gas. Basically, I just think we need to preserve our planet for the next generations. Whether or not climate change is our fault, there's nothing wrong with using less fossil fuels and releasing less waste into the planet. Because if we don't stop, we're going to quickly use up our energy sources and fill up our empty land with garbage. So ignore the "political" issue of global warming/climate change, and take steps to reduce your carbon footprint and preserve our planet because we live here. And there's nowhere else for us to go.*
If that doesn't encourage you, maybe this will:
2. I kind of have this thing for crime shows.
I'm not really sure why, since as Hank's song states, they are mostly the same. But my mom loves them too, so I kind of grew up watching them. I guess I'm kind of fascinated with the whole crime investigation process, even though clearly the TV shows don't tell the whole truth about how it works in the real world. I especially enjoy the forensics as well as the psychological aspects of crime investigation. I watch/have watched:
- CSI--Probably the first show I watched. I really do love the forensic research. Plus CSI actually has a continuing storyline. Woop.
- Without a Trace--Different time of show, investigating missing persons. Also has a continuing storyline, and feels a lot closer to the real world.
- Law & Order--Well, basically every episode happens in exactly the same way, so I only watch it when I'm really bored, nothing else is on, and I don't feel like reading. So mostly during the summer.
- Alias--kind of a sci-fi/crime drama. I only watched a couple seasons, but I enjoyed it when I was younger...
- Medium--actually a very different sort of crime show, mixed with paranormal type stuff. Yeah. I was really into it when it first came on, but now I don't have time during the week or motivation to find when it's on.
- Psych--I kind of classify largely as a comedy, but it is also a crime investigation show, I suppose
- Twin Peaks**--Okay, now THIS really was a different crime show, mixed with a lot of paranormal/sci-fi...Actually, I don't even know how to classify this show. But it was really, really good.
- The X-Files**--I personally don't classify this as a crime show. It's more sci-fi, but I know some people say it's a crime show, because they do investigate that sort of thing when they're not talking about aliens. Also, The X-Files is quite possibly my favorite television show EVER. Yeah
After looking at that list, I mostly watch the "different" sort of crime shows, that involve a lot of other stuff. That don't follow Hank's song exactly. So, on second thought, I'm not at all ashamed that I watch any of those shows...***
3. I LOVE tea.
I kind of pride myself on being a coffee drinker, because I do very much love the taste and smell of coffee. But I love tea just as much as I love coffee. When I need caffeine, I either drink English Breakfast tea or black coffee, depending on my mood and the availability of each. However, when I'm sick, I very much rely on (peppermint) tea. And I drink this calming, sleepytime tea before bed to lower my anxieties and help quiet my mind so I can fall asleep and not need so much caffeine in mornings. Basically, I love both tea and coffee the same amount. They both have their own ways of making me feel better, and their own health benefits. So, no, I won't choose favorites.****
I had coffee with another friend today. It wasn't for as long, but she still really helped me remember why I want to try and that it is worth trying to change. What I need to remind myself is that these girls are always there for me, even if it's not face to face. Just feeling their support and seeing their words via text really helps me a lot of the time: to realize I'm not alone, I have people who believe in me, and that I don't have to give up. I do want to thank her for a wonderful talk this morning over coffee,***** and for her offer of continuing support. She's such an inspiration to me, and has such a beautifully strong mind and spirit and heart. But I also just want to thank ALL of these girls for keeping me going.
Other than that, I spent today reading and doing my Biology homework that she posted online. (Read: copying the answers. Because she knows/expects us to do that, and everyone does) I also went for a walk, because we've had such beautiful weather: not too hot, but not so much rain. Right now Ocean's 11 is on, so I'm kind of watching that as I type this. AND, tomorrow is the season finale of Next Food Network Star, which I'm super psyched for.
If that doesn't excite you, tomorrow you can at least look forward to another installment of Kat's Top Ten Reasons To (Do Something). Yes. Very exciting. ;)
Inspirational quote/photo of the day: "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light sine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same." ~Marianne Williamson
*At least not YET. And we should make sure we have somewhere to live while we search for life on Mars, because it would take a WHILE to make Mars habitable.
**Okay, I SERIOUSLY wouldn't classify either of these as crime shows. But I went on Wikipedia for a list to see which I've watched, and it listed both of those shows, so I felt I should include them. Really, though, NOT crime investigation shows.
***Well...maybe Law & Order, but as I said, I don't watch it very often.
****Just as a completely separate note, I drink both coffee and tea black, with nothing added. I know most people say that's disgusting, but I think adding sugar to it is disgusting. To each his own.
*****I have realized that I only "go out for coffee" to have long, inspirational talks with my friends or to study for math tests. Weird. Otherwise I drink it at home.
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