Right. Well, let's just go ahead and get right into the confessions.
1. I LOVE cooking.
I haven't cooked much recently, because my parents make dinner in general. But I really do love it. I love chopping all of the various vegetables. I love the sizzling of cooking vegetables/tempeh. I absolutely adore the smells that fill the kitchen, though I'm not as much of a fan of the heat that's created... Heck, I even find stirring rice or pasta quite relaxing. I mean, sure, there are days when I just want a fast, easy dinner...especially now that school has started. Nevertheless, there's something so wonderful about knowing that you're eating something that you made all by yourself.* Some of my favorite things to cook: Pasta with vegetables (broccoli, carrots, peppers, zucchini), Vegetarian tempeh curry, enchiladas, stir fry, and frittatas. I also love baking, although I don't do it very often because I'm not as likely to actually eat an entire batch of brownies or cookies. So I bake mostly when I have to make something for school or a party. I have this vegan lemon cake** that I make for "special" occasions, and it's COMPLETELY from scratch. I'm quite proud of that cake every time I make it.
And attached to this confession, I love watching the Food Network. Which I'm sure you've figured out since I talk about it sometimes. I mean, it's mostly just if I need something on in the background, but some shows I do really like.
2. I go to plays and musicals regularly.
I realized this morning I kind of made this confession yesterday, but whatever. I was planning on having this as a confession, and I really don't feel like trying to come up with a new one right now. So. Yesterday I explained why I love going to plays: getting dressed up, sitting right there with the action surrounding you, really just being a part of the story. I think I see more plays in a year than I see movies in theater. No, I KNOW I go see more plays, since I only see maybe 3 or 4 movies in theaters,*** and usually end up just renting movies. Our local college has some really good productions, many of which are kind of obscure. The Fine Arts Center has some as well, but the quality of those plays has gotten worse over the years. I've seen a couple in Denver when we have the money, I saw Chicago here in the Springs, and I saw The Color Purple in Chicago a few years ago. Weirdly, I've never seen a school play. I'm always pleasantly surprised about how good our local plays are, though. Hmm...I would try to list all of the plays I've seen, but I've been going to them since 2005, so I don't think that's going to happen. But, two of the funniest plays I've ever seen actually were at the Fine Arts Center: Moon Over Buffalo and The Complete Works of William Shakespeare Abridged.**** But I've seen a whole range of plays: well-known to obscure, sad to hilarious, one person to whole cast off-Broadway shows. I don't know if I'll manage to see many this year, though. Darn school...
I also used to love acting when I was younger, but I've gotten a lot shier and a lot worse at speaking in front of groups. Plus I was never amazing at acting, I just found it a lot of fun. Ah, well...
8th Grade Pirates of Penzance

3. I get cold really, REALLY easily.
I live in the wrong state, as far as winters go, that's for sure. But also in the summer, when everyone has the air conditioning turned on ridiculously high. My mom gets hot when it's like...70, so she blasts the air conditioning. Except I live in the basement, so my room drops to the low 60s, and I sit at my computer shivering. Ahem, which is what is happening right now. *sigh* Our school also puts the air conditioning on ridiculously high in most rooms, so I never go a day without putting on my sweatshirt or jacket during the school hours. Really, I think I was meant to live in a much warmer state, though. Because when it gets down to -23 degrees with wind chill and I'm huddled in a sweatshirt, 3 pairs of socks, and a blanket doing homework...well, I'm very unhappy and VERY uncomfortable. At least during the summer if I get to cold I can step outside, but that can't happen in winter. *sigh*
Well, today I made flashcards for the English test I have on Tuesday and did some Chemistry homework. And started making a real outline for my Extended Essay, since I talked to my mentor yesterday. But today has been SO MUCH better than yesterday was, thank goodness. My only complaint is that my feet are freezing, and it's AUGUST. Sheesh.
Right. Well, I think I'm going to get back to that outline, and possibly studying the flashcards while I put some Friends or something on.
DANG IT. The air conditioning just came back on. The shivering resumes.
Mkay, so tomorrow is yet another edition of Kat's Top Ten Reasons to (Do Something). And then it's back to school Monday. Wow, I'd forgotten how short weekends feel during the school year.
Word of the day: Foudroyant--overwhelming and sudden in effect; striking as with lightning
Inspirational quote/photo of the day: "The truth is rarely pure and never simple. Modern life would be very tedious if it were either, and modern literature a complete impossibility!" ~Algernon, The Importance of Being Earnest*****
*Okay, well, usually with the assistance of the company that made that boxed pasta or rice, but you know what I mean.
**It's only vegan because that's what the recipe was. I personally am not vegan, but I wouldn't object to it after that delicious cake...
***Mostly because I'm lazy and hate spending money on something I can just watch at home. Plays are different, a truly unique experience. :)
****In which they did Hamlet 2 ways, the second time backwards, which was the funniest thing ever. "Be to not or be to?" and Hamlet father's ghost jumping out with a sign saying "Oob!" Ha. Oh, I wish I could see that play again...
*****A lovely, lovely play. Charming, funny, smart...I loved seeing it live, but I also loved reading it. In my opinion, you should do both.
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