26 August 2010

No words

I just don't really know what to say today. This recent news in the nerdfighter community...it breaks my heart. I've just had a lot on my mind today. It doesn't help that I got the news in second period today, so it was plaguing me for the rest of the day.

I feel like I've undergone so much loss in the past 2 years, and it's just really starting to overwhelm me. I'm losing myself now too, and I'm scared. I don't understand why these wonderful people are taken from us.

Somewhere inside me, there are much more eloquent and comprehensible words to describe my feelings and thoughts right now. But they're not really coming to me right now. So I'll just say this:

Esther, I love you. We only talked a couple times, but you are beautiful in every possible way. Wherever you are, I hope it's beautiful. I know you're lighting it up with your courage and hope and beautiful spirit. Thank you for all you have given the world and taught me about strength. I will NEVER forget you.

"You think the ones we love ever truly leave us?" ~Albus Dumbledore

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