23 August 2010

Quotes Bring Hope

Okay, well since I'm kind of frantically studying for this Greek tragedy test in English tomorrow, this may not be a long post.

I remember one of my teachers last year saying that if we have to study for a test the night before, we weren't studying when we should have been: the days leading up to it. But I HAVE been studying since we got the terms on Friday, and I always do study for at least 4 days before the test, if not a whole week. Despite that, I ALWAYS freak out the night before and frantically study terms, concepts, definitions, whatever might be on the test. Plus, I'm scared for this first test from a new teacher, because I know she's hard. SO, I'm learning these definitons by heart and rereading each of the readings she gave us several times. Yeah. Exciting night. Good thing I already finished my Calc and Chem homework. I can focus on English now. Joy.

And, thank goodness I already have a topic for this blog, so it shouldn't take too long. Yes. So, quotes.

You have probably noticed my love for/slight obsession with quotes, based on the fact that I always include one at the end of my blog. Sometimes I try to connect them with the main topic of a blog post, and other times I just find a quote I really love and want to share with the few readers of this blog of mine.

I'm not actually sure when I fell in love with quotes. I know that roughly 3 years ago I started actually making a book of quotes, writing my favorites in this journal that my uncle had given me. But I feel like I must have fallen in love with them before then, or I wouldn't have wanted to make that journal. I now also have an 8 page word document with quotes that I haven't had the chance to write in that quote book, because I don't have it with me at this house. And it's a lot quicker to just copy quotes into a word document. But maybe if I'm bored this Thanksgiving or Winter Break and I remember to pick up the book from my dad's house, I can spend a few hours copying the quotes in my own handwriting. :)

Anyway. WHY do I love quotes? Hmm. Well, they erally do inspire me and give me these little rays of hope in the middle of my mundane days, and they REALLY brighten my bad days. Sometimes a quote makes me laugh, sometimes it makes me cry, and sometimes it really makes me think. A lot of the time I just find really good quotes that describe my life in beautiful words that I could never quite find.

There's something amazing and comforting about reading words from someone that completely reflect your own thoughts or feelings. Even if you've never met the person who uttered those words, even if they're no longer alive, I still get that wonderful sense that I'm not alone. I'm really awful at translating my feelings and thoughts into actual comprehensible words, so I often use quotes to do that. I admire these people who can so beautifully and eloquently describe life and present their ideas to the world, who may reject or accept their words. I wish I had that courage. I mean, I know a lot of people don't know that their words will someday become famous quotes, but they still had the courage to put their words out there somehow for people to find and relate to.

This would be the point in a blog where I share my favorite quotes, but I do that every day. But a lot of people ask me where I find all of my quotes. Well, I read a lot, so I find quotes from books or authors, especially when I look up quotes that the AUTHOR has said. I also find some from movies or song lyrics. Or, when I'm bored, I go on tumblr and search for posts tagged with "quotes," and then spend a while looking for ones I like. After a certain point, if I find quotes that I like from a certain person, I go looking for other quotes as well. Oh, and I find a lot of quality quotes from TV shows...which is surprising, since I don't even WATCH that much TV. The X-Files has some beautiful ones, definitely.

I myself think that my obsession with quotes is just a little weird, but I don't really care. It's how I find hope. Maybe that's not good, that I depend on other people's words for my own hope, but I really do think their words help me realize what I'm actually thinking or feeling, and they remind me that life is beautiful. So, on second thought, no, I don't think there's anything wrong with finding hope in other people's words jsut because they can articulate things better htan I can.

I really do hope you read the quotes at the end of each post, because...well, I think they're inspiring, fascinating, and sometimes a little funny. You never know what I might share, so pay attention! =]

Anyway. I think I have these definitions by now. I know they'll be on the test, but I'm not sure what information from the readings will be on the test, so I'm going to reread both of those once more, and then try to get some sleep so I can actually be awake for the test tomorrow. Ah, tests. The one part about school I really truly detest, because they make me so ANXIOUS. I can deal with essays and projects and homework, but tests freak me out! Here's to hoping I do well, yes? *crosses fingers*

Since it worked well to already have a topic, I'm going to do that again just so I remember. Tomorrow, I will share my love for the X-Files with you, and try to explain why I love it so much. Because, really, I think everyone should watch at least one episode. It's so wonderful!


Word of the day
: Squinny--coined by Shakespeare; to look or peer with eyes partly closed; squint
Inspirational quote/photo of the day: "To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe." ~Anatole France

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