24 August 2010

The Truth is Out There

Well, so, today was a rather stressful day at school. The English test was just a lot of frantic matching and filling in the blank and writing a short paragraph. It wasn't all that hard, but I think that's because I studied like crazy. If I hadn't studied, it would have been a ridiculously hard test. But I guess we'll have to see how I do...Then the teacher tried to explain objectivism to us, but I'm still not completely sure I understand it...And I have to write a socratic question involving objectivism and The Fountainhead and stuff for Thursday. I know this teacher grades really hard too, so I'm kind of terrified and feel really pressured to write some fantastic question. *deep breath* In Chemistry he ended the class with this really difficult question that I don't understand but have to complete for homework. Then, in History, I was given the task of teaching about 1.5 centuries of European history to a group in 9 bullet points, which just...stressed me out. I'm not meant to be a teacher.

Plus, I left my assignment sheet for the socratic at home, so I couldn't work on it in the library after school, which is what I WANTED to do. So I'm writing this in the library instead. But I'm stressed, and didn't exactly have a good day, so I apologize if this blog isn't all that great. Once again, I'm very glad I already set a topic for myself yesterday night.
SO. X-Files.

I cannot remember if I started watching the show in 2005 or 2006. I feel like I should remember, because it was certainly a very significant event in my life, since I spent the next 4/5 years watching it with my family. But anyway, my dad introduced us to the show in the fall of one of those years, after he ordered the Korean version of all 9 seasons off of Amazon.* At the same time, I was having him watch the seasons of Charmed with us, which is probably one reason it took us so long to get through the series: We would choose which one we'd rather watch, and I think at the time I usually voted Charmed.

I really did love the show from the very beginning. And until the very end, unlike a lot of people. Some of the episodes are really stupid or make no sense, but overall the show follows a very intelligent, engaging, and interesting storyline. I like the show because it really does make me THINK about why we believe what we believe. This is not saying I believe in monsters/supernatural forces/aliens necessarily, but it makes me think about what could be possible. Sometimes the episodes just make me laugh a lot. A few of them are absolutely terrifying (like that one about the computers, and this creepy one about an evil doll).

Really, I suppose the show mostly has a "cult" following. It's not the most popular show, and a lot of people don't really know the show very well. But I find it has a lot of aspects that reflect or comment on our lives and society, once you look beyond the aliens and liver eating men and all of that other stuff. The show examines loss, love, temptation, self-doubt, and the power we give to others over our own actions. It examines how one maintains strength in the face of the worst circumstances or doubt of others on your ability to do something. It looks at how we can place our entire faith in one thing and spend our lives looking for that one thing that will make our lives worth living--and what will happen if that one thing does not exist? Themes such as jealousy and acceptance certainly appear. Basically, I find that it's one very long social commentary on the state of our world and how we cannot ignore what could be possible, outside of our own consciousness.

The number one thing I love about the show is that it shows how people refuse to give up on something, no matter what they face. Mulder of course embodies this, and Scully comes to next. Even Dogget and Reyes embody this idea by the end of the series, though the things they refuse to give up on are not necessarily the same as what Mulder or Scully hold on to. It just reminds me that life is beautiful and anything is possible, no matter what anyone tells you is true. We should not simply accept what we are told, but question everything. Form our own beliefs and value systems, rather than become a part of an ignorant or apathetic collective whole.

Okay, and I also do like the aliens and monsters. They add something fun and exciting onto those storylines/background themes. Plus, I'm not ashamed to admit that I can't help but wonder if there are "aliens" out there somewhere, because it seems impossible that we are the only living, conscious beings in the entire universe.

Oh, and as I mentioned yesterday, I love the quotes that come from The X-Files. They're so beautiful--like I said, they comment on life. Well, and there are several absolutely hilarious ones as well. But I just think the show is really well written and also wonderfully acted by David and Gillian. Mmm, and I also really admire Scully's strength through some of the worst hardships. I truly wish I had her strength and courage.

If you haven't ever seen the X-Files, you should try it. And if you happened upon a random rerun and didn't like it...you should try to go back and watch the Pilot and the first few episodes, so that you really comprehend what the story's about. THEN I'll let you decide whether or not you like the show. And only then.

Happy Birthday John Green and Frak!!! And Happy Mockingjay Release Day. I won't be getting the book until this weekend, so PLEASE don't spoil me. I really want to find out what happens completely on my own. :)

I think I have a good question for my socratic right now, but I'm going to go try to find quotes to make sure I can thoroughly answer the question with highly supportive quotes. Because that's the most important thing I have to do. Hopefully I can find quotes and stick with my question and start answering it. I really, really hope.

Mmm...tomorrow I think I'll discuss weather issues and preferences, since Colorado has had some strange weather lately. That does not sound like an exciting topic, but I'm getting stressed just a little. I'll try to incorporate some funny weather stories to interest any readers I have. :D


Word of the day: Jeremiad--a prolonged lamentation or complaint
Inspirational quote/photo of the day: "Every minute of every day we choose. Who we are. Who we forgive. Who we defend and protect. To choose a side or to walk the line. To play the middle. To straddle the fence between what is and what should be." ~Walter Skinner, The X-Files

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