11 May 2012

Hectic (Glow?)

It is late. Like, so late that it technically is not even Thursday anymore. We are already 45 minutes into Friday. But I am going to cheat and edit the schedule of this posting so it *looks* like I posted it on Thursday. Hahahaha.

Today definitely was hectic. I woke up at 7:15, amazed that I actually woke up when I wanted to for once. But, then the guy who was supposed to open the gym wasn't there, so that thwarted that plan. Meh. But then re rest of the day went like this:

Study. Figure out apartment details. Print out paper. Final. Get 2 phone calls and 3 texts during final. Figure out apartment details. Final. Figure out apartment details. Dinner. Work. (Study, Figure out apartment details). Run. Eat. Shower. Say goodbye to friends. Sadly look in exhaustion at psych study guide of terms.


I mean, I'm not worried about my psych final. One, I really do know everything. And two, I didn't study nearly as much as I should have for his last test and I still  managed to get an 88%. I studied a lot for that final this weekend and then tonight while at work, so I think I'm mostly good. But it's just my nature, again, to panic. PANIC. Maybe I need a panic room. ;)

Definitely a hectic day. But, I think I can find some glow in that, and live up to John's band title. We finally got confirmation, at 18:00, that tomorrow we will be able to sign the lease for the apartment, get our keys, and schedule our move-in for this weekend. And I finished two more finals. Just one to go. Oh, and I also have 2 out of 6 confirmed As for this semester. Yay?

It's crazy. Because yesterday I was freaking out over those 3 things and here I am today, a little more than 24 hours later, with almost everything figured out. Today went by so fast, but definitely felt long and tiring. I'm glad we're nearing the finish line on my first year of college and I'm so happy to be walking, balancing on that ledge, ready to jump and make adjustments as necessary to the changes in my life. 

Boring post.

For now, I'm going to look over these Psych terms again. And go to bed by 1:30 ish so I can wake up to say goodbye to a friend, eat breakfast, and go to sign this lease. Power through one last final. And then bask in the beauty that has come out of all of this chaos.

Oh, and I also cannot currently find my iPod, but I know I had it at 10:00 this evening when I was in my friend's room. So let's hope it shows up, because all of my music is on there....

*crosses fingers*


Inspirational quote/photo of the day: "Far away in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.  I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead." ~Louisa May Alcott
Word of the day: floccinaucinihilipilification--the categorizing of something as worthless.

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