07 August 2011

Confessions of a Nerd Girl Part IX

I guess I'm going to continue with this tradition on Saturdays and doing Kat's Top Ten Reasons to (do something)on Sundays. I'm kind of running out of confessions, but hopefully I'll think of something. I'm sure I will. Oh, and let me start out with saying that my going away party was kind of pathetic. The 3 people who came by and hung out with me are all friends I love and love talking to and such, and I'm very happy I got to spend the afternoon with them. But it kind of depressed me to realize how few people want to say goodbye to me before I go to Hawaii. =( But anyway, that pathetic party brings to my first confession.


I just really don't enjoy what most people consider "parties." I don't like the atmosphere in crazy parties and I usually don't get along well with the people who most often attend parties. I mean, I went to graduation parties at the end of this year, but those were mostly quiet, during the afternoons on weekends, at houses with parents and extended family around. So it was more of a "let's all talk to each other and bond over how we just graduated." There was one slightly larger one that I attended because it was of a really good friend, but since there was a lot of people and craziness, I kind of stuck to the side of a few close friends and didn't venture out into the craziness.

I think that I just don't like being around a lot of people I don't know, because I'm shy and ALREADY uncomfortable at most parties. I don't like drinking or dancing to most modern pop music* or shouting over loud music. The only parties I've thoroughly enjoyed are "wizard parties" AKA the balls or wrock shows at Harry Potter conferences, because everyone's just being nerdy and lovely and funny and THEMSELVES all together. Sure, there's some crazy people, but that doesn't spread to everyone.

I like to pretend I like parties, but when it comes down to it, I really don't. Not my idea of a fun Friday night. Or Saturday night. Or Wednesday morning. Or anytime really.

Woohoo, a party!!! (inside head: aaaaaaaaaaaaaah, a party. Nooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!)

This makes me kind of worried about college, though. My sister's in a sorority, so she loves to party. Luckily, HPU doesn't have sororities. But I'm sure they have beach parties and dorm parties and people being loud and setting up beer keg parties. *sigh* I mean, I have no problem with just sitting in and reading or talking to a few friends outside on the lawn/beach/whatever, but I feel like my hatred of parties is going to be a huge hindrance to me making friends when I first get to college, because that's kind of how you meet people during orientation week...

I can imagine the conversation now:

Semi-cute boy: Hey, I'm throwing a party tonight. Wanna come?

Me: Er...Maybe?

SCB: There'll be drinks. And a LOT of people.

Me: I don't really know you.

SCB: psht. I'm sure there'll be someone you know there. I'm inviting everyone!!!**

Me: I'll think about it.

SCB: SWEET!!! Take this flyer.

Me: Thanks.

(returns to dorm, sits in bed, and reads a book until falls asleep. Skips the party. Doesn't get drunk. One step above other people already)

Normal college students on a Friday night.

My Friday night party.

I'm really not kidding about that reading thing. I've spent so much of my high school years doing crazy schoolwork and IB stuff and essays and blah blah blah that reading became a special treat. And on Friday nights, I'd get home from track, fall asleep on my bed, eat dinner, and fall asleep again. SOMETIMES I'd do homework on Fridays, but only if I was busy that weekend.


2. Texting is not really my favorite thing.

No, really. It's not. I like having unlimited texting because it means I can get tweets from Maureen on my phone and be amused during the day. And I like that I don't have to worry about how many texts I'm sending to a certain person when I do talk through text. Plus, I think the data plan for my Blackberry had to come with unlimited text, and I do use the internet on my phone a lot...

I think I text mostly because that's what my generation does now, and whenever I call someone they don't answer. So I text them. And they usually text back. I, however, am awful at texting back promptly, especially when I don't look at my phone for a few hours and a text from a friend gets lost in the middle of Maureen's tweets.

I also really don't understand "text talk." I don't really use "lol" or "omg" I use emoticons (as I'm sure you can tell) because I think they're cute and actually help a little to show emotion, which you can't get through letters on a screen. :D But I don't understand why it takes so much more time to type "why" than "y" or "great" instead of "gr8." I seriously spell out everything in my texts and if I notice a typo I get very angry at myself. But I LIKE spelling.**** Respect the English language, people!

3. I love writing and getting letters.

Really honestly my favorite way to communicate with people. I love getting mail, for one. And I love opening an envelope and seeing a friend's carefully crafted letters spelling out a message of love and friendship. It's so much more personal than a phone call, e-mail, or text message. I keep every letter I ever get from my friends who also like sending and receiving them. And they mean so much to me still.

I love writing letters for basically the same reason. I'm not a fan of talking on the phone, though I've gotten over the phone phobia I used to have. And I don't like texting. I e-mail, but it's so much more impersonal and short than an e-mail. I feel like I can really put my heart and soul onto that piece of paper and mail it thousands of miles away and it will come safely to the hands of the receiver.

Maybe I should have lived in the 1800s.

Oh, Dickens! I just love writing letters with my feather quill!

So, anyway. It's late (again) and we're hiking tomorrow. But tomorrow I will give you a lovely top ten list. For now, enjoy these virtual shark cookies:


Daily Shark Fact: Lantern sharks can glow in the dark.

Daily Shark Photo:

Come back here, dinner!!! I'm going to eat you!

Inspirational quote/photo of the day: "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." -Dr. Seuss

Days until I leave for college: 20

*I really don't understand most music anymore. Not popular music anyway.

**This guy sounds drunk and kind of crazy, so maybe THAT'S why I don't want to go to his party. And also kind of pathetically desperate. MY POINT (and I do have one) is that I don't want to party.

***My new slogan. From now on.

****Yay spelling bees! :D

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