17 August 2011

Oh, the memories we share

You know what? I actually totally did have time to write this blog yesterday. Sure, I was out all day and then stupidly got in a car accident (partially my fault probably partially the other guy's fault probably) and had to figure out how to get a new side mirror. But I totally got home in time to set aside an hour to write a blog. But whatever. I didn't write this blog yesterday, because I was upset and angry and confused and thinking about never driving a car again. I was trying to distract myself, and writing a blog just was not going to do it.

So sorry BEDA peeps. :( I fail again this year. But this time I will actually make up for it and write a shiny TWO blogs today. In the meantime, continue considering never driving again. In my life.*

Anyway, the good part of yesterday was hanging out with one of my good friends from camp. We had a lot of fun talking and walking around, and it felt completely natural to me, even though we hadn't hung out in about 3 years...So, I now present you with Kat's Top Ten Reasons to Hang out with old Friends.

1. These people know the most about you, probably.

Or, at least, your old friends know things about you you haven't told people who you met more recently. They know some qualities about you you're too humble to share and they also know some embarrassing stories about you. In my case, most of my older friends are the ones I'm most comfortable sharing things with. My friend yesterday from camp knows an awful lot about me, because we lived together for a month in a tiny little cabin with 14 other girls, doing activities and suffering from a lack of showers. We ended up sharing a lot of our stories that summer, and so I'm completely comfortable around her. She knows me, and she doesn't judge me. This is usually the case with my camp friends, and most of my older friends who I still hang out with. :D

2. To remember fun times.

Goodness, yesterday we spent a good part of the time we were together remembering the fun times we had at camp, sharing our memories and feelings and wondering what it would be like to go back there again. No matter who you're hanging out with, you're going to remember something fun you did with them. Unless you barely knew them back then, in which case you will just feel awkward the entire time the two of you are hanging out. So...I guess I should clarify that in this list, I am specifically old friends who you know well, get along with, and desperately want to see again because you truly do miss them. Not random people you remember from middle school.**

I suppose you might not always remember fun times, exactly, but maybe just remember parts of your life you'd forgotten. The two of us also shared the sad and hard times at camp, and everything in between. Because we had grown so close, we will always be able to talk about the hard times. Our relationship doesn't have to be all laughs. We appreciate each other for everything, including the bad stuff and the tears.

3. You can tell funny stories.

I suppose this probably goes along with the above one, but forgive me, I was running out of ideas when I wrote this list last night. Especially if they're a really good old friend, you had laughs together back then. Like the time when your camp counselor smashed a can with a hammer because we forgot the can opener. Or the time you were excited because you got to watch Finding Nemo in the cabin instead of doing real camp activities because it was raining.

Keep in mind some of these stories may be embarrassing. This is a possibility you face when hanging out with old friends. But the embarrassment is worth it, to remember funny times. :D

We don't need no stinkin' can opener!!!!

4. To form new memories. :D

I'm not sure how well this applies to meeting my friend yesterday. I mean, yes, we walked around and talked, but nothing particularly funny happened. But it's still a memory, and it's a good one. I don't have very many of those very often anymore, as depressing as that sounds. I think my point here is that if you're hanging out with old friends who you used to have fun with, chances are you're going to have fun with them again. And have new fun memories.

5. Just to laugh again.

Big one for me. I don't laugh at a lot of things other than vlogbrothers videos and the occasional funny X-Files quote. So it's a nice change when I get to share a laugh with a friend, because we remember just how ridiculous that one summer was. Or that month. Or that day.

6. To remember the good parts about your past. :)

Okay, this one sounds kind of depressing as well. But I tend to focus on the bad parts of my childhood and especially my adolescence. High school literally almost killed me, and my middle childhood/preteen years weren't that great either. But every time I meet with friends I've known for a long time, the memories and laughs we share remind me my childhood wasn't completely bad. I had some good friends, even if I didn't get to see them very often, and still don't. These people trusted me, valued my friendship and advice, and still want to hang out with me. Maybe my home life wasn't always great, and maybe I was alone and sad at school, but it wasn't all bad. That always makes me feel better.

7. It gives you a chance to discover who your true friends are.

I've discovered this in the past couple weeks, actually. The people who I've known for a long time and who want to hang out with me before college? These people are my real friends. Sure, we didn't and still don't hang out everyday, we lived miles apart, and it seemed only camp or work or school connected us. But they care enough to come say goodbye to me, since I won't see them until December or maybe even next summer. I think it's a good general rule that the people who make time to see you or who reach out to you when you're upset or in trouble or falling apart are your real friends. Not the person you talk to everyday in class but never acknowledges your existence or friendship outside of there.

And I love my true friends. For always being there.

8. You have great story material.

Back to the boring party. You have exhausted your hiking stories, people are picking at the remains of the guacamole, staring sadly at the empty coke bottle.*** And still, no one is talking. But you love to talk. Even if you're just talking to air. And lucky for you, you just met up with an old friend. So you have a fresh arsenal of funny stories. How the horses broke out of their enclosure and you had to chase after them at night. Sleeping on a hard kitchen floor because it was supposed to be fun. Totally wiping out while playing capture the flag and scraping your leg, side, knee, arm, and shoulder. Maybe these stories are interesting to no one but you. But who cares? These people are boring. And you're stuck here. You might as well tell stories.

9. To have a nice long talk.

Again, these people are willing to talk to you, and you've had some great in-depth conversations with them in the past. So once you've shared some laughs and memories, remember you can trust this person with your thoughts, no matter how stupid or sad or depressing they may be. Chances are your friend has some similar thoughts she wants to share with you to. And you know already she won't judge you. So tell her about your struggles, your worries, your fears, how much you want company. She's there for you and she always will be.

10. You can blog about it!

Duh. This one seems to get very redundant, but you can. Write a blog! Share those memories with the interwebz! I know I wrote an entire blog last August about my meeting in Pueblo with a good friend. Share the fun, and put those memories down somewhere for the future you. :D

Yay!!!!!! I will write another blog later. I really will. But for now I am going to see a movie with some friends from school. So I leave you with a word, a quote, and a goodbye.


Word of the Day: catawampus--askew; awry

Inspirational quote/photo of the day:

Days until I leave for college: 9.25

*I have always hated driving. I waited a long time to get my license. This accident, no matter who was most at fault (and I know I share part of it) did not make me want to drive. Like at any other point in my life. Ever again. Thank goodness I don't have to drive in Hawaii. Thank the lord.

**No matter how much they keep messaging you and wanting to hang out, do not message them back!!! They will get the idea eventually.

***Or wine, if you're over 21.

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