19 August 2011

Every Ending is Just a New Beginning

I suppose today was a slightly better day. I finished watching Elizabethtown. I love that movie oh so much.

I started packing today. :D Did my laundry and started putting things aside that I want to bring to Hawaii and making a list of things to pack. I never did practice the dance today, or call people, but I did manage to stop beating myself up quite as much. It's still there, but not so much. So 2/5 things for one day...I'll say that's good. Hopefully tomorrow I get farther with that list.

Anyway. I seriously am running out of ideas of what to blog about, especially considering I never do anything during the day anymore. But since I watched Elizabethtown and was complaining last night that 30 Minutes or Less really isn't my type of movie, I decided to discuss what kinds of movies I do like and have a short discussion of my favorite movies.

I think in general I just like movies that are well done. I like comedies, thrillers, political movies, romance, some action movies, documentaries, historical, etc, etc. I'm not really a fan of horror movies and I tend to not like the majority of action movies because all they are is action and bombs and shooting and yelling, but some of them can be good. But anyway. I like movies that have a good script and a good plot. Movies that are cast well and filmed beautifully. Movies that have a good message. I tend to like movies a lot of other people don't really see, actually.

I guess the reason I really didn't like 30 Minutes or Less a lot was because they relied a lot on sexual references and sexual humor to drive the plot and the script. The movie wasn't horrible, because I did like the regular comedy stuff. And I do know that sadly, sexual references and a lot of action (shooting, etc) are what teenagers want to see nowadays. So, for the audience the movie was looking for, yeah, they did it well. But, again, it's not really my type of movie.

So. What are some of my favorite movies?



The Princess Bride

Up in the Air

V for Vendetta

The Interpreter

Dirty Dancing

Hotel Rwanda

Breakfast at Tiffanys

Uptown Girls

50 First Dates

Two Weeks Notice

Dead Poets Society



Moulin Rouge


Ever After

Revolutionary Road


Yeah. So I like comedies. Well done comedies, with maybe a little bit of romance and a wonderfully written script--not jokes the entire movie, but worked into the story beautifully (Airplane, The Princess Bride, 50 First Dates, The Princess Bride, Two Weeks Notice). And I do really like political movies, whether they're based on a true story or not. I just always find that those movies are well done, but often overlooked. Especially ones that are cast well (Hotel Rwanda, V for Vendetta, The Interpreter). And....I'm trying to think about how to classify this next one. I guess I'll say I like movies that have a good story, a bit of romance, and often a good lesson and a little inspiration worked in underneath. I know a lot of people think inspirational movies are cheesy, but the ones I like always seem to be well done--the actors pull of their pain and growing up beautifully, in a way that it no longer seems cheesy or too Hollywood (Elizabethtown, Dead Poets Society, Ever After, Revolutionary Road, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Uptown Girls, Up in the Air, Atonement, Dirty Dancing). Ah, and I really do love musicals. Classic musicals, with good singing and a believable story (Grease, Moulin Rouge, Chicago, Newsies).

So yes. I don't really know how to classify my taste in movies. This is in no way a list of the only movies I like--just my favorites. I do think I have a good range of movies I like, but I always seem to know by seeing a preview if it's a movie I want to see or not. I still pretty much never go to theaters because I don't think it's worth it, but at least these movies I'll rent--pay for. Otherwise, if it's a movie I'm kind of "eh" about, the only way I'll watch it is if it's free on TV and I have nothing better to do. I guess I am picky in a way, but I am open to a lot of different types of movies.

*sigh* I hope that wasn't too boring. It was all I had in mind to blog about today. So...yeah. I am running out of ideas! My life isn't interesting! Noooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!! :(


Word of the Day: purloin--to take dishonestly; steal

Inspirational photo/quote of the day: "You failed. You think I care about that? I do understand. You wanna be really great? Then have the courage to fail big and stick around. Make them wonder why you're still smiling." -Claire Colburn, Elizabethtown

Days until I leave for college: 8.125

(PS: If you know what movie the title of this blog is from, I love you.)

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